Today I got it in my mind that one of the most meaningful things I could do is power blow all the leaves off the driveway, porch and basketball court. I saw how the water was pooling where the bulk of the leaves were and I thought...what a great place for moss to grow. I did this not really expecting the sun to shine unfettered all day long and dry the aforementioned surfaces...what luck!
I got into a little trouble when I went to pick up all of Jack's messes in the back yard. The past week's worth of rain really compromised the structural integrity of the deposits thus giving me the only option of scraping up the bulk of the mass and leaving a clear indicator of what had been removed.
When I got around to mowing the lawn I had hooked up the bag to the mower but, in the end, it didn't help me out. The grass was too long and too wet to make it into the basket. I guess mulch ain't always bad is it? I also came across a few of Jack's messes which ended up going through the blender...if you know what I mean.
Since both the blower and the lawn mower are electric, I had the 100' cable running all around the yard. I couldn't help but think of the Yellow River meandering through China. I didn't let my mind go too far though as I needed to stay focused on what I was doing. I didn't want to end up looking like a piece of beef jerky.
So that's about it. The sun set on a yard that looked better than it did when the sun rose. It's supposed to be frosty tonight. This will be our second frost this fall/winter.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Sunday, October 30, 2005

This weekend we replaced a ceiling fan in the downstairs living room. The old fan which was all white and had a “K-Mart” intensity light hanging from it was replaced by an all black fan with no light. It looks a lot really does. We think it’s quieter as well.
For me one of the best things about this new fan is that I’m not given to listening for an announcement about the blue-light special. K-Mart really got inside my head when I was young. Right now I’m thinking about the “food” they sold. I remember the ham and cheese sandwiches that were always on display. The thing I never really questioned and would like to question here is why did it never smell like there was food anywhere near their little deli area? I can remember it smelling like, well, non-food. Bot household cleaners or compost but something completely different and, again, non-foodish. I never had a ham and cheese sandwich there. I believe my patronage of their edible offerings was limited to the popcorn which wasn’t bad but it certainly didn’t match up with the popcorn that Valu-Mart used to sell. K-Mart offered a decent slushy…I know I had a couple of those as well.
There is a K-Mart (Super K-Mart or some derivative) not far from home. I went in there a few months ago (under serious protest mind you, but that’s another story) and I find it hard to describe what I see when I go in there. The lights are bright as they can be. There definitely does seem to be something strange about K-Marts. I’ve thought about it a bunch. I can’t put my finger on it but I don’t like what I feel when I go there. When I go in there I just want to leave.
K-Mart makes me feel like the world outside its walls is not so bad. I don’t like K-Mart. I don’t even like the fact that it makes me feel like the world ain’t so bad. I never did take advantage of a blue-light special. K-Mart never really did anything for me and I guess, in turn, I never did anything for K-Mart.
We won’t really need the fan for the next several months. There will likely be rainy days this winter in which I’ll feel moved to try to count its revolutions…that’s okay with me. That new fan means there is one less thing to help remind me of K-Mart and perhaps, as I grow older, I’ll be free of any associations I can now make with K-Mart. When that day comes I know I’ll be a happier man.
Monday, September 26, 2005
Monday morning
It's Monday morning. The sky to the west has at its base a ribbon of blue, then salmon then a lighter blue. There are a few high clouds making their way in with the surf.. It's a chilly morning with only one of the few houses I can see from the hotel window having turned on any lights inside.
Yesterday's "Woofstock" at a local park was well attended. The competitions ranging from the pet/owner look-a-like contest to the best pet trick contest seemed to keep everyone involved. The dogs and people in attendance were on their best behavior as I didn't witness any fights nor did I see or step in any messes.
Last night I dreamt of a conversation with a dog and a cat. I don't remember much about the conversation other than it seemed real comfortable and natural. The only surprising thing was seeing the cat walk down a hill on its hind legs. Since I can't find a professional interpretation of a dream about cat's walking I must surmise that maybe we've descended not from monkeys but maybe cats...or maybe a combination of the two.
A city owned garbage truck just drove by. What an odd looking piece of equipment.
Now the sky to the west has at its base dark blue, a vague reddish tint turning more white and then an even lighter blue. One of the long clouds now looks like it has stepped into the sun's spotlight. At least its not speaking to me...yet.
The wind is calm. I can hear the surf in the distance and, as a bicyclist passes by I can see a man changing a tire on an old fifth-wheel trailer just across the street. He's wearing a hooded sweatshirt advertising something...I can't quite make it out. There goes an 80's vintage Chrysler. So far everything seems to be in order. I'm glad that I'm not the guy running a jackhammer in the distance...I think I'd rather drink coffee than bust concrete at 0722.
Yesterday's "Woofstock" at a local park was well attended. The competitions ranging from the pet/owner look-a-like contest to the best pet trick contest seemed to keep everyone involved. The dogs and people in attendance were on their best behavior as I didn't witness any fights nor did I see or step in any messes.
Last night I dreamt of a conversation with a dog and a cat. I don't remember much about the conversation other than it seemed real comfortable and natural. The only surprising thing was seeing the cat walk down a hill on its hind legs. Since I can't find a professional interpretation of a dream about cat's walking I must surmise that maybe we've descended not from monkeys but maybe cats...or maybe a combination of the two.
A city owned garbage truck just drove by. What an odd looking piece of equipment.
Now the sky to the west has at its base dark blue, a vague reddish tint turning more white and then an even lighter blue. One of the long clouds now looks like it has stepped into the sun's spotlight. At least its not speaking to me...yet.
The wind is calm. I can hear the surf in the distance and, as a bicyclist passes by I can see a man changing a tire on an old fifth-wheel trailer just across the street. He's wearing a hooded sweatshirt advertising something...I can't quite make it out. There goes an 80's vintage Chrysler. So far everything seems to be in order. I'm glad that I'm not the guy running a jackhammer in the distance...I think I'd rather drink coffee than bust concrete at 0722.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Nose Cleaning

I've been thinking of having my nose professionally cleaned. I don't believe I've ever had it done before. I've done it myself but it seems like there might be more to it..more that a professional might be able to do.
There are dead leaves on the lawn...must be that time of year again. It sounds cliche but I really don't know where the summer went.
The house in the picture is in Eureka. It's the Carson house. The house was built in the 1880s at a cost of $85Gs. With the exception of a restaurant that was built on to the west side it's off limits to the public. Those choosing to attempt to dine in the restaurant must meet a stringent dress code. You can see part of the restaurant on the lower left side of the house.
I can't imagine what it would be like to have my house under water or be stuck in it with no electricity, television, radio and having to give some serious thought to eating the microwavable chicken casserole that's been in the freezer since before the dawn of man. I simply can't imagine how terrible that world would be.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
It's been a beautiful week down here. The fog has been kept at bay by winds so the visibility has been outstanding.
I'm amazed at how many people seem to be commuting by bicycle down here. Most of the bike traffic is between Arcata and Eureka on Hwy. 101. I've seen what look to be nice bikes but, for the most part, the bikes have been pretty junky. I'd wager most of the cyclists are students at Humboldt.
There are heaps of old houses built around 1880. Most of the houses that still remain resemble the painted lady variety with ornate decorations on the exteriors. Most of them were built when lumber and fishing reigned supreme.
Hitchhiking is also real big down here. Most of the on-ramps to 101 feature someone with their thumb up. The other night just after sundown I saw a male hitchhiker with one arm across his chest under his t-shirt and his sweater tied to his waste so it looked like a skirt. His attempt to look like a lady hitchhiker probably netted him a ride pretty quick..then again, maybe not.
Well, that's the news from the north coast. Hope all is well.
I'm amazed at how many people seem to be commuting by bicycle down here. Most of the bike traffic is between Arcata and Eureka on Hwy. 101. I've seen what look to be nice bikes but, for the most part, the bikes have been pretty junky. I'd wager most of the cyclists are students at Humboldt.
There are heaps of old houses built around 1880. Most of the houses that still remain resemble the painted lady variety with ornate decorations on the exteriors. Most of them were built when lumber and fishing reigned supreme.
Hitchhiking is also real big down here. Most of the on-ramps to 101 feature someone with their thumb up. The other night just after sundown I saw a male hitchhiker with one arm across his chest under his t-shirt and his sweater tied to his waste so it looked like a skirt. His attempt to look like a lady hitchhiker probably netted him a ride pretty quick..then again, maybe not.
Well, that's the news from the north coast. Hope all is well.
Sunday, August 14, 2005

Beneath the blazing sun, a roof. And beneath that a swimming pool. In and around the swimming pool, a host of 60+ pound dogs and countless tennis balls. The dogs were as kids…running beside the pool, slipping, cutting corners, running into each other…being unsafe. Jack did all this and jumped into the water. He fetched his ball and stole the ball of others as they did his. It was mayhem. They were being scolded, laughed at, extolled for following orders and showing initiative. They laid lumber in and around the pool, sniffed butts, looked jealous and disagreed on a few things. It was a fun day. Once a year at Hough Pool, a day for the dogs. A day for them to swim beneath a roof, beneath the blazing sun.
Saturday, July 30, 2005
New BizSo, the first week of the new business is out of the way. I learned a bunch and I think I forgot even more.
I met many of the larger customers including Ken Gaub - a great and colorful character. He ordered 23,000 copies of a brochure that claims you're all going to h-e-double toothpicks - if you don't get with the Jesus program. He may be right.
I facilitated the printing of 50 18x24 color prints of a painting by local artist, Bill Brennon,... they turned out great and will be on sale at the Hop Festival for the paltry sum of $20 - a bargain at twice the price. See you there.
I met many of the larger customers including Ken Gaub - a great and colorful character. He ordered 23,000 copies of a brochure that claims you're all going to h-e-double toothpicks - if you don't get with the Jesus program. He may be right.
I facilitated the printing of 50 18x24 color prints of a painting by local artist, Bill Brennon,... they turned out great and will be on sale at the Hop Festival for the paltry sum of $20 - a bargain at twice the price. See you there.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005

My home for the next few weeks is Eureka, CA. Looking out my hotel window, over the machine shop, brake shop and some other industrial looking establishment, I can see Humboldt Bay...beautiful. I've attached a picture for your viewing pleasure.
The weather is supposed to be great for the next several days as we head towards the month of "Fogust".
The area around the hotel looks to be a hotspot for down and out folks. Last night, while eating dinner, I watched a man for about an hour. He was working the gas station parking lot across the street. The way he walked around the lot reminded me of the path of a fly unable to find a place to land. At one point he managed to cross the street and stand right outside the window of the restaurant. He didn't stay long before heading back across the street. His skin looked to have been crisped by the sun and humidity.
I hope all is well for all.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Ally said...
Ally told Faith a couple of years ago that she remembered what it was like in heaven. She said she remembers floating, not with wings but just floating. She said it was a nice place. She also remembers her older sister Kate being there. Kate left before her though. Ally is five years old now and seems to be afraid of nothing in terms of trying new things and expressing herself. She's just about all you could ask for in a child. Kate is 11 years old.
All of our old radioactive curtain rods, concrete and moldy underware is now in the big garbage bin the neighbor's rented to clean out their house.
Jack's toe issue relates to an allergy/infection. He's on drugs and is keeping his system clean...if you know what I mean.
This evening, just as the sun was setting, we finally saw it's light break through the clouds. There were three rainbows overhead, the tops of the trees were brilliantly lit and a light rain was falling. It was so quiet save for the mourning dove perched on its usual branch on the backyard birch tree.
All of our old radioactive curtain rods, concrete and moldy underware is now in the big garbage bin the neighbor's rented to clean out their house.
Jack's toe issue relates to an allergy/infection. He's on drugs and is keeping his system clean...if you know what I mean.
This evening, just as the sun was setting, we finally saw it's light break through the clouds. There were three rainbows overhead, the tops of the trees were brilliantly lit and a light rain was falling. It was so quiet save for the mourning dove perched on its usual branch on the backyard birch tree.
Terminal Recreation
Music this weekend, in the park and in my head. Next weekend more of the same, much more. Nothing, so far, that even sniffs of parthnaxial. We did see a couple of fun loving short people, (midgets?) dancing like the dervish about 1500 yesterday. I doubt they will be there today. I would sell my soul for a drum machine, any ideas? Vry is doing Brazilian Jui Jitsu, An, as always, is changing socks and washing things. I do have a mysterious donor or $200 to my checking account. Crazy ....
Music this weekend, in the park and in my head. Next weekend more of the same, much more. Nothing, so far, that even sniffs of parthnaxial. We did see a couple of fun loving short people, (midgets?) dancing like the dervish about 1500 yesterday. I doubt they will be there today. I would sell my soul for a drum machine, any ideas? Vry is doing Brazilian Jui Jitsu, An, as always, is changing socks and washing things. I do have a mysterious donor or $200 to my checking account. Crazy ....
Friday, July 08, 2005
Stretch Limo Suffering
My arms are warm
I no longer need my mind as it has been assimilated by the entity that is Minuteman Press. Each morning I suffer indignation. The stretch limo that greets us requires one to enter the passenger compartment through the rear side door and crawl or walk hunched over to the front of the compartment where they keep the booze. The ice is rarely fresh. - MMPstan
I no longer need my mind as it has been assimilated by the entity that is Minuteman Press. Each morning I suffer indignation. The stretch limo that greets us requires one to enter the passenger compartment through the rear side door and crawl or walk hunched over to the front of the compartment where they keep the booze. The ice is rarely fresh. - MMPstan
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Diluted Krishnas
Sounds like our man in Lawn Giland will be asking for bells and no shoes for Christmas this year. Maybe I'll get to see you around the airport.
This morning's "Register Guard" had a headline that read "London Calling Itself Lucky"..a reference to being awarded the 2012 Summer Olympics....tomorrow's headline will surely be a stark contrast.
Jack is at the Vet's office today. Keri found that he had licked most of the hair off of his right front paw. There are no visible signs of injury. I'm glad we got signed up for pet insurance last month.
I'll hopefully be leaving Eugene today to spend tomorrow in Portland working on a few things. The next two weeks will likely be spent in Portland and Seattle working on a time sensitive baggage issue. Further down the road is a stint in the beautiful city of Fresno. I can hardly wait.
This morning's "Register Guard" had a headline that read "London Calling Itself Lucky"..a reference to being awarded the 2012 Summer Olympics....tomorrow's headline will surely be a stark contrast.
Jack is at the Vet's office today. Keri found that he had licked most of the hair off of his right front paw. There are no visible signs of injury. I'm glad we got signed up for pet insurance last month.
I'll hopefully be leaving Eugene today to spend tomorrow in Portland working on a few things. The next two weeks will likely be spent in Portland and Seattle working on a time sensitive baggage issue. Further down the road is a stint in the beautiful city of Fresno. I can hardly wait.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Monday, July 04, 2005
First Post
Monday morning, July 4th 2005
Jack is playing ball, he's oblivious to the squirrel walking along the top of the fence.
The vegetable garden, with the exception of the watermelon, is doing well, looks like we'll be looking for dishes that incorporate green peppers in a few weeks. Hopefully we'll also be swimming in lettuce, tomatoes, beans, celery, corn, cantalope and fresh hamburger soon.
Keri made chocolate chip cookies last night...I've eaten three this morning....that's all.
There's a teriyaki restaurant less than a mile from home. Their offerings are outstanding.
Since our neighbor across the street passed away in his sleep a few weeks ago, his children have been over cleaning up his house. I'm sure the house will be on the market soon.
With the exception of seeing four sheriff's cars parked at a house up the street on the corner yesterday, I think this must be a kid friendly neighborhood. I don't have an accurate count yet but there must be at least eight kids (up to about 11 years old) living across from, or next to each other just two houses up towards 38th Street.
I't s been a nice, long relaxing weekend. Hope yours has been the same.
Jack is playing ball, he's oblivious to the squirrel walking along the top of the fence.
The vegetable garden, with the exception of the watermelon, is doing well, looks like we'll be looking for dishes that incorporate green peppers in a few weeks. Hopefully we'll also be swimming in lettuce, tomatoes, beans, celery, corn, cantalope and fresh hamburger soon.
Keri made chocolate chip cookies last night...I've eaten three this morning....that's all.
There's a teriyaki restaurant less than a mile from home. Their offerings are outstanding.
Since our neighbor across the street passed away in his sleep a few weeks ago, his children have been over cleaning up his house. I'm sure the house will be on the market soon.
With the exception of seeing four sheriff's cars parked at a house up the street on the corner yesterday, I think this must be a kid friendly neighborhood. I don't have an accurate count yet but there must be at least eight kids (up to about 11 years old) living across from, or next to each other just two houses up towards 38th Street.
I't s been a nice, long relaxing weekend. Hope yours has been the same.
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