New BizSo, the first week of the new business is out of the way. I learned a bunch and I think I forgot even more.
I met many of the larger customers including Ken Gaub - a great and colorful character. He ordered 23,000 copies of a brochure that claims you're all going to h-e-double toothpicks - if you don't get with the Jesus program. He may be right.
I facilitated the printing of 50 18x24 color prints of a painting by local artist, Bill Brennon,... they turned out great and will be on sale at the Hop Festival for the paltry sum of $20 - a bargain at twice the price. See you there.
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Tuesday, July 26, 2005

My home for the next few weeks is Eureka, CA. Looking out my hotel window, over the machine shop, brake shop and some other industrial looking establishment, I can see Humboldt Bay...beautiful. I've attached a picture for your viewing pleasure.
The weather is supposed to be great for the next several days as we head towards the month of "Fogust".
The area around the hotel looks to be a hotspot for down and out folks. Last night, while eating dinner, I watched a man for about an hour. He was working the gas station parking lot across the street. The way he walked around the lot reminded me of the path of a fly unable to find a place to land. At one point he managed to cross the street and stand right outside the window of the restaurant. He didn't stay long before heading back across the street. His skin looked to have been crisped by the sun and humidity.
I hope all is well for all.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Ally said...
Ally told Faith a couple of years ago that she remembered what it was like in heaven. She said she remembers floating, not with wings but just floating. She said it was a nice place. She also remembers her older sister Kate being there. Kate left before her though. Ally is five years old now and seems to be afraid of nothing in terms of trying new things and expressing herself. She's just about all you could ask for in a child. Kate is 11 years old.
All of our old radioactive curtain rods, concrete and moldy underware is now in the big garbage bin the neighbor's rented to clean out their house.
Jack's toe issue relates to an allergy/infection. He's on drugs and is keeping his system clean...if you know what I mean.
This evening, just as the sun was setting, we finally saw it's light break through the clouds. There were three rainbows overhead, the tops of the trees were brilliantly lit and a light rain was falling. It was so quiet save for the mourning dove perched on its usual branch on the backyard birch tree.
All of our old radioactive curtain rods, concrete and moldy underware is now in the big garbage bin the neighbor's rented to clean out their house.
Jack's toe issue relates to an allergy/infection. He's on drugs and is keeping his system clean...if you know what I mean.
This evening, just as the sun was setting, we finally saw it's light break through the clouds. There were three rainbows overhead, the tops of the trees were brilliantly lit and a light rain was falling. It was so quiet save for the mourning dove perched on its usual branch on the backyard birch tree.
Terminal Recreation
Music this weekend, in the park and in my head. Next weekend more of the same, much more. Nothing, so far, that even sniffs of parthnaxial. We did see a couple of fun loving short people, (midgets?) dancing like the dervish about 1500 yesterday. I doubt they will be there today. I would sell my soul for a drum machine, any ideas? Vry is doing Brazilian Jui Jitsu, An, as always, is changing socks and washing things. I do have a mysterious donor or $200 to my checking account. Crazy ....
Music this weekend, in the park and in my head. Next weekend more of the same, much more. Nothing, so far, that even sniffs of parthnaxial. We did see a couple of fun loving short people, (midgets?) dancing like the dervish about 1500 yesterday. I doubt they will be there today. I would sell my soul for a drum machine, any ideas? Vry is doing Brazilian Jui Jitsu, An, as always, is changing socks and washing things. I do have a mysterious donor or $200 to my checking account. Crazy ....
Friday, July 08, 2005
Stretch Limo Suffering
My arms are warm
I no longer need my mind as it has been assimilated by the entity that is Minuteman Press. Each morning I suffer indignation. The stretch limo that greets us requires one to enter the passenger compartment through the rear side door and crawl or walk hunched over to the front of the compartment where they keep the booze. The ice is rarely fresh. - MMPstan
I no longer need my mind as it has been assimilated by the entity that is Minuteman Press. Each morning I suffer indignation. The stretch limo that greets us requires one to enter the passenger compartment through the rear side door and crawl or walk hunched over to the front of the compartment where they keep the booze. The ice is rarely fresh. - MMPstan
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Diluted Krishnas
Sounds like our man in Lawn Giland will be asking for bells and no shoes for Christmas this year. Maybe I'll get to see you around the airport.
This morning's "Register Guard" had a headline that read "London Calling Itself Lucky"..a reference to being awarded the 2012 Summer Olympics....tomorrow's headline will surely be a stark contrast.
Jack is at the Vet's office today. Keri found that he had licked most of the hair off of his right front paw. There are no visible signs of injury. I'm glad we got signed up for pet insurance last month.
I'll hopefully be leaving Eugene today to spend tomorrow in Portland working on a few things. The next two weeks will likely be spent in Portland and Seattle working on a time sensitive baggage issue. Further down the road is a stint in the beautiful city of Fresno. I can hardly wait.
This morning's "Register Guard" had a headline that read "London Calling Itself Lucky"..a reference to being awarded the 2012 Summer Olympics....tomorrow's headline will surely be a stark contrast.
Jack is at the Vet's office today. Keri found that he had licked most of the hair off of his right front paw. There are no visible signs of injury. I'm glad we got signed up for pet insurance last month.
I'll hopefully be leaving Eugene today to spend tomorrow in Portland working on a few things. The next two weeks will likely be spent in Portland and Seattle working on a time sensitive baggage issue. Further down the road is a stint in the beautiful city of Fresno. I can hardly wait.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Monday, July 04, 2005
First Post
Monday morning, July 4th 2005
Jack is playing ball, he's oblivious to the squirrel walking along the top of the fence.
The vegetable garden, with the exception of the watermelon, is doing well, looks like we'll be looking for dishes that incorporate green peppers in a few weeks. Hopefully we'll also be swimming in lettuce, tomatoes, beans, celery, corn, cantalope and fresh hamburger soon.
Keri made chocolate chip cookies last night...I've eaten three this morning....that's all.
There's a teriyaki restaurant less than a mile from home. Their offerings are outstanding.
Since our neighbor across the street passed away in his sleep a few weeks ago, his children have been over cleaning up his house. I'm sure the house will be on the market soon.
With the exception of seeing four sheriff's cars parked at a house up the street on the corner yesterday, I think this must be a kid friendly neighborhood. I don't have an accurate count yet but there must be at least eight kids (up to about 11 years old) living across from, or next to each other just two houses up towards 38th Street.
I't s been a nice, long relaxing weekend. Hope yours has been the same.
Jack is playing ball, he's oblivious to the squirrel walking along the top of the fence.
The vegetable garden, with the exception of the watermelon, is doing well, looks like we'll be looking for dishes that incorporate green peppers in a few weeks. Hopefully we'll also be swimming in lettuce, tomatoes, beans, celery, corn, cantalope and fresh hamburger soon.
Keri made chocolate chip cookies last night...I've eaten three this morning....that's all.
There's a teriyaki restaurant less than a mile from home. Their offerings are outstanding.
Since our neighbor across the street passed away in his sleep a few weeks ago, his children have been over cleaning up his house. I'm sure the house will be on the market soon.
With the exception of seeing four sheriff's cars parked at a house up the street on the corner yesterday, I think this must be a kid friendly neighborhood. I don't have an accurate count yet but there must be at least eight kids (up to about 11 years old) living across from, or next to each other just two houses up towards 38th Street.
I't s been a nice, long relaxing weekend. Hope yours has been the same.
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