Jack is driving me crazy with his demands for attention as I tend to this message. I took a small rock from his mouth. Now he's acting like it's a tremendous injustice for me to have done such a thing. We really struggle some times.
This ultrasound photo was taken yesterday. It's my first view of "baby". I saw two arms, five fingers (didn't get to see much of "baby's" other side), two legs, a spine, a heart beat, a nose, eye sockets and a significant degree of stubborness. Jumping jacks, toe touches, dancing and all other forms of movement could not seem to get this child to move for some additional angles.
Speaking of move, this was a very moving experience for me. This first sighting brought some of the reality of what's going on to mind. We are so excited!
Jack has given up on his efforts to get the little rock back. I can be stubborn too. He's sleeping at my feet. I'll make up for his frustrations with a trip to Ross Park this morning. Uh oh! he looked up at me when I typed the word "park". I guess I've let the cat out of the bag.