Friday, December 28, 2007

Little Buddha Tries Modern Porridge

Little Buddha has enjoyed his first bowl of porridge just like Goldilocks did all those years ago. He appears to still be working through baby bears bowl.

Monday, December 03, 2007

First Evidence of Little Buddha's Ability to Crawl

He's been laboring to get to this point. We think he's got his eyes fixed on the prize of standing up. He tends to use his crawl to get to a place where he might be able to work himself into an upright position. We've watched him suffer through several significant head bumps.

A quarterback for a pro football team went for the store brand of Cheerios. When he realized he could save $.39 he was ecstatic. The savings went towards the purchase of a Hostess cherry pie. He was surprised at how small the pies seemed compared to what he expected. Haven't we all had this experience with Hostess products?

First Day of Sitting Up

They didn't say anything when we picked him up at day care. When we got him home and went about the business of making dinner we spotted him sitting up in the middle of the living room floor. Quite a surprise indeed.

I think it was Albert Einstein that said "whoa" when first he sat upon a horse.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Early Video

"Old video" of DAE taken at the hospital before he was released.

Thursday, May 03, 2007


More photos will be available soon. Mom and the new guy are doing alright. Should be released tomorrow (5/4)

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


We watched him yawn a few times. For a moment he had both hands and a foot in front of his face as if he did not want us to see what he looked like.
I've tried putting my foot in front of my face a couple of times since we saw him do it. I've found that I'm not able to perform such a stunt.

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Tomato soup.
Grilled tuna sandwich.
Glass of water.
Snow on the porch since last Wednesday.
I missed the comet that some said showed so prominently this past week.
Despite efforts to spot it myself.
Saw venus up high around sunset on Friday.
The comet too low on the horizon.
Obscured by trees.
It's Sunday night.
Caught in the middle of the end of last week
and the beginning of next week.