Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Today I got it in my mind that one of the most meaningful things I could do is power blow all the leaves off the driveway, porch and basketball court. I saw how the water was pooling where the bulk of the leaves were and I thought...what a great place for moss to grow. I did this not really expecting the sun to shine unfettered all day long and dry the aforementioned surfaces...what luck!

I got into a little trouble when I went to pick up all of Jack's messes in the back yard. The past week's worth of rain really compromised the structural integrity of the deposits thus giving me the only option of scraping up the bulk of the mass and leaving a clear indicator of what had been removed.

When I got around to mowing the lawn I had hooked up the bag to the mower but, in the end, it didn't help me out. The grass was too long and too wet to make it into the basket. I guess mulch ain't always bad is it? I also came across a few of Jack's messes which ended up going through the blender...if you know what I mean.

Since both the blower and the lawn mower are electric, I had the 100' cable running all around the yard. I couldn't help but think of the Yellow River meandering through China. I didn't let my mind go too far though as I needed to stay focused on what I was doing. I didn't want to end up looking like a piece of beef jerky.

So that's about it. The sun set on a yard that looked better than it did when the sun rose. It's supposed to be frosty tonight. This will be our second frost this fall/winter.