Sunday, July 10, 2005

Ally said...

Ally told Faith a couple of years ago that she remembered what it was like in heaven. She said she remembers floating, not with wings but just floating. She said it was a nice place. She also remembers her older sister Kate being there. Kate left before her though. Ally is five years old now and seems to be afraid of nothing in terms of trying new things and expressing herself. She's just about all you could ask for in a child. Kate is 11 years old.
All of our old radioactive curtain rods, concrete and moldy underware is now in the big garbage bin the neighbor's rented to clean out their house.
Jack's toe issue relates to an allergy/infection. He's on drugs and is keeping his system clean...if you know what I mean.
This evening, just as the sun was setting, we finally saw it's light break through the clouds. There were three rainbows overhead, the tops of the trees were brilliantly lit and a light rain was falling. It was so quiet save for the mourning dove perched on its usual branch on the backyard birch tree.


carlisle said...
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carlisle said...

Did I tell you that I have a class reunion in mid-August? The organizers had the audacity to say this would be the "last" one. How does one act at a "last" reunion! I'll be going for the gusto for sure though, have already started the Drano diet TAE recommends.

Mr. is out for his constitutional - I prefer AC. When Mr. comes home, he's going to attack a 9" hornets nest in the clematis by the front walk. They tried to attack me this morning but I outsmarted them.

carlisle said...

Did I tell you that I have a class reunion in mid-August? The organizers had the audacity to say this would be the "last" one. How does one act at a "last" reunion! I'll be going for the gusto for sure though, have already started the Drano diet TAE recommends.

Mr. is out for his constitutional - I prefer AC. When Mr. comes home, he's going to attack a 9" hornets nest in the clematis by the front walk. They tried to attack me this morning but I outsmarted them.

carlisle said...

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